
From an old Newark family, born in Newark daughter of Mary Depue Ogden. Attended Wellesley College and worked briefly for Newark Library before returning in 1934. In 1951, was assigned to the NJ Room, headed by Miriam Studley. where she helped design the subject headings that are still used today and wrote a pamphlet, “Subject Headings for the Information File” and one on Irvington’s history.

Wrote Studley, “Ms. Ball’s death leaves a tremendous void in the NJ room. Many of the library patrons of all ages had come to depend on her as a friend…All have spoken if her graciousness, her generosity, her sure knowledge and whole-hearted interest” – 1958 Annual Report


Ogden, Sydney, Newark News Morgue, Newark Public Library

Librariana Collection, Newark Public Library

Photo from Robert Ball

Subject Headings for the Information File