Category: 1910-1929 (Born)
Elitea Bulkley Allison
c. 1913 -2007 Received her graduate degree of Library Science in 1936, starting in Orangeburg South Carolina. Bachlor’s from Claflin College. Library Science Degree from Hampton Institute. One of the early African Americans…
Mildred Lockett Lipscombe
1922-? Another of the library’s first Black librarians, hired 8 years after Theresa Moore. After graduating Virginia Union University, and then the University of Illinois (MLIS) in 1946, she became a junior librarian.…
Julia Baxter Bates
c. 1917-2003 The first African-American student admitted to Douglass College. Granddaughter of James Baxter, principal of the Colored School. Master’s degree from Columbia University. Was denied the right to teach in New Jersey’s…
Ruth Crumpton Dargan
1921-2010 Became a Newark policewoman in 1949. First Newark woman detective chosen for the Homicide Squad and sent to Quantico for advanced criminal investigation. She was the only woman chosen to initiate the…
Aneatha Dames Todd
1918-1998 Active in the UMDNJ struggle, member of the Concerned Citizens of the College. Instrumental in organizing the Gladys Dickinson Health Center, the NJ Tuberculosis Council, the Community Mental Health center, and the…