Category: Politics & Government
Carole Anderson Graves
1938- President of the Newark Teacher’s Union. Leader of the 1970 Teacher’s Strike. Later ran for General Assembly and served as Essex County Register. 1955 Arts Yearbook Bibliography G-25, Graves Carole, Newark News…
Abigail Malmgreen
1909-2009 1926 Graduate of Barringer High. Worked at Bamberger’s Department Store and then for the Newark Welfare Department. Lifelong political activist. Member of the United Nations Association, Americans for Democratic Action, the NAACP,…
Pearl Beatty
1936-2019 Active in the Urban League, NACCP, organizing for JFK and the March on Washington. Attended Morton St. School and Arts High. Exec secretary / office manager for COPE. In 1970, appointed Executive…
Elizabeth Burke Del Tufo
1933- Head of the Newark Preservation and Landmarks Committee. Newark Historian. Known for her tours of Newark. In 1980, first director of Cultural Affairs for Essex County. Bibliography Liz Del Tufo –…